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Friday, June 11, 2010

Ship It! - 4.5 Make Your Layers Talk

Now that you have completed your stubs, you’re ready to start making them talk to the other layers in your system. That may not sound important, but you’ll be surprised how many seemingly insignificant details will not work together the way everyone thought they would. Once you start adding callbacks, using different CORBA vendors, and trying to use Java RMI on different network subnets through firewalls and the like, it’s a whole different ballgame from “Hello, World!” As every team puts code into their stubs to access the other layers, they are proving that every technology involved actually can inter-operate. Will the customer run part of the system behind a firewall? Then you should too!

Tip 21: If production uses it, you should too

Be sure that your hollow shell works end to end before you invest time to make it do the real work.

Your project now has the following:
  • a complete, documented architecture
  • a POC that shows your architecture works.  You can make a client invocation and see it run, end-to-end.
  • clear boundaries between teams
  • clear demarcations between areas of product functionality
  • experience meeting with the teams responsible for adjacent code layers. 
Having all your teams talking with each other is a huge benefit and getting the layers to talk is one way of doing that.

I've experienced first hand the pain that integrating layers that should "just work" can be.  I think the idea of wiring up the layers early is a good one.

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